The European Commission unveiled the European Green New Deal, outlining a long list of policy initiatives aimed at putting Europe on track to reach net-zero global warming emissions by 2050.

Amongst the 10 main priorities, newly appointed Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s European Green Deal, included ‘Climate neutral’ Europe, Circular economy, and R&D and innovation.

With a proposed budget of €100bn over the next seven years (2021-2027), the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme will also contribute to the Green Deal. 35% of the EU’s research funding will be set aside for climate-friendly technologies under an agreement struck earlier this year

What does it mean for the EIC Accelerator?

The word at EASME is that the EC is preparing to adopt several changes to the EIC in order to prepare its transition towards the next work programme.

The first, is that it is considering dedicating the May 2020 cut-off to innovations which address the priorities and thematic orientations of the Green New Deal – subjects such as sustainability, environment, clean energy etc.

The second, is that from May onwards, the EIC will also give higher priority to applications from start-ups that are managed by women, in order to ensure higher gender diversity in EU funding.

While these changes are not final or published yet, it is clear that the European Commission will progressively be dedicating significantly greater resources to these 2 priorities in the coming months.

An official announcement from the EC is expected to be by the end of February.

“The European Green Deal is our new growth strategy” – she added – “it is a strategy for growth that gives more back than it takes away”. “We want to be the frontrunners in climate friendly industries, in clean technologies, in green financing.”

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